Friday, March 30, 2012

Los Angeles Celebrates Cesar Chavez Day

Although Cesar Chavez falls tomorrow, Saturday, March 31, government agencies, courts and the legislature of the state are closed Friday in honor of the famous leader of Labour.

Sacramento Bee reports that the state legislature is not in session on Friday and began his home in the early spring, on the occasion of Cesar Chavez.

In Los Angeles, courts and government agencies throughout Southern California will be closed Friday in honor of the Latin American leader of the movement for civil rights Cesar Chavez.

In addition, schools are closed on Friday.

Chavez's birthday, March 31 is celebrated as the feast of the State of California and several other states. Chavez was a labor organizer and activist who sought better working conditions for migrant farm workers through nonviolent means.

He was one of the founders of the Union, which later became the Farm joint working and the slogan: "Si, puede itself" (in Spanish: "Yes, it can be done") is the slogan for the Hispanic civil rights movement of civilians.

He believed that social change can be accepted, not rhetoric, but non-violent action.

"The American public wants everything fast. We want easily. Not work that way, changes in the real world does not work that way," Chavez said in a speech on behalf of the CNE. "Change takes a long struggle, a lot of time, a lot of dedication. Watch the fight, which actually means something in this world, look how long they took. He does not pass through the rhetoric. Sometimes when people leave their own, roll up your sleeves and do the job. "

Chavez died in 1993 and former President Bill Clinton posthumously awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian national.

As of March 31, 1994 in Los Angeles, has officially changed the name of the great arteries Eastside Brooklyn Avenue Cesar Chavez Avenue, to commemorate the legacy of the leader of the civil rights movement.

Los Angeles offices encourage employees to volunteer in various activities. Utilities will continue as planned.

For those wishing to use the anniversary of Chavez for more information on this heritage, a subsidiary of Arroyo Seco Library will be open on Friday and Saturday from 10-5:30 pm and offers a lot of books about his life.

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