Thursday, May 26, 2011

kitty cannon cheats

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 11:54 PM
    i know! it cant be that hard to write some support for it can it? just support some of the later ones even.

    yeah you would think that. maybe some day

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  • Grasbak
    Jan 9, 08:30 AM
    Realistically, this is want I want:

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  • in hello kitty costume.

  • Eidorian
    Sep 12, 08:27 AM
    I hope we can get 10.4.8 too. :rolleyes:

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  • iphone 4 covers hello kitty.

  • toddybody
    May 2, 01:13 PM
    NSA does not have a security expert at Apple. Apple has a security expert who used to be with the NSA. Big difference.

    To your knowledge, they dont.

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  • iphone 4 covers hello kitty.

  • Aperture
    Apr 4, 03:20 PM
    In your car (Drive SLOW) take your computer (while the 360 is connected) and go up and down the street(s) recording where the signal drops off and the 360 disconnects. Then I would try to make SURE it is the house you think it is. Oh & perhaps you could post a screenshot of your street(s) from google earth, (just a picture, we dont need the address) so we can see where you are getting the strongest signals/etc. (see below for example)

    Here is what I mean:

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  • iphone 4 covers hello kitty.

  • dmr727
    Jul 27, 04:21 PM
    ^^^ that's what I was thinking too. This is a pretty full featured vehicle - once I start looking at all the goodies, a mid 30's price doesn't seem so out of the ballpark. I still have my prejudices against GM - but I'm really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here.

    I'm on Honda's list for their Clarity, but I'm not holding my breath that my name will be drawn anytime soon - I meet all their 'ideal candidate' guidelines, but they seem more interested in giving the first models to celebrities. So it's nice to see some other options out there for me to mull over.

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  • to Nick Cannon in NYC.

  • twoodcc
    May 16, 08:07 PM
    Thanks I have it all configured now, I have been doing a3 units all along. Can't wait to complete my 10 units. Hopefully this should boost the ppd from my i7 as it currently is doing 850-900ppd.

    nice! did you get your passkey?

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  • fishmoose
    Apr 15, 04:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think Apple will be able to get the right deals in the end get Steve Jobs pissed enough at the labels and they'll come around he usually gets his way, one way or another.

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  • Hello Kitty Formspring

  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 02:44 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    if not that, put it in the local apple stores.
    wildcowboy and I will go post on the apple site suggesting this idea, perhaps steve will then follow our idea 9 minutes latter and ubermac can thank him for it;)

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  • LoneWolf121188
    Jan 10, 04:29 PM
    Whilst hilarious for the first few times, it did go on way too far.

    And they shouldn't have done it to live presentations, that's just plain evil.

    Agreed. The first time I was ROFLing. When they kept doing it though...idk. I think its fine during the live presentations, but just once. I'm glad they admitted it though, that makes it a lot better.

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  • Links
    Aug 14, 09:37 PM
    I ordered the 'new' 23 inch display within 30 minutes of the store being back online, and I just unpacked it. Having no frame of reference to compare to an 'old' 23 inch, I can say that it is ridiculously bright and clear, has no pink cast whatsoever, and from a first careful look over it, 0 dead pixels!

    Hopefully no pink cast will develop (I've had it plugged in for about 10 minutes now.

    I'm off to get one of those dead pixel checker programs...

    This is getting very messy.
    Another purchaser of the 23" contacted AppleCare and reported this in Apple's Monitor Forum:

    "I just talked to an AppleCare specialist and he said that this is still the old model based on my serial number. 2A6241XXXXX and manufactured June 2006"

    "I called the apple store online on the phone and asked them how I would get the new one that is as the one they sell now. They said, it is guaranteed 100% that I would get the new one online, but through their retail stores, it is very likely to get the previous model, because they still have the old ones."

    So both of us (mine made in May ( 2A6211XXXXX) and yours in June 2006 (2A6241XXXXX) have the old model with the following specs according to his report:
    Brightness 270cd/m2
    contrast ratio 400:1

    So I guess no one can be sure of what they are getting, no matter how or where they buy it.

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  • Hello Kitty phone comes 3G.

  • frozzbite
    Mar 17, 12:17 PM
    With my flame suit on, i say this...

    I might have done the same thing as the OP.

    Regarding the kid, well, its probably a part time job for him. Furthermore, how much can BestBuy possibly be paying him? He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)

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  • Hello Kitty Backpack.

  • voicegy
    Jan 11, 05:08 PM
    if you want to prevent people from screwing with you presentations on tvs, just disable the ir port (via the rs232 console/diagnostic software or by slapping a sticker over the ir port). securing you devices takes at most 2min per device. so let the companies learn from this and don't bash gizmodo like mad.

    And, pray tell, what other completely unnecessary "precautions" should the companies take to insure that snot-nosed jackasses (who are stupid to the point of even ADMITTING their lame stunt on their own web site) not screw around with their presentation walls and equipment? Security dogs next to power switches? Locks on power strips? Bits of tape over every ir port on every device they show? Oh, yes, the big dork-off companies should learn their lesson against such obvious security risks. The same companies that invest sweat, blood, money and tears to bring us the gadgets we love to have.

    It's not even as if these bone-heads went out and invented some magic solder-based toy in their garage and showed the world how uber-geek they could be; for that, I MIGHT consider a prop in their direction IF they kept the mischief down to one or two non-presentation instances. They simply used a stupid TV-B-Gone that can be had by any moron for 20 bucks.

    Way to go, GizLamo. That was as funny as letting the air out of a tire of your neighbor and giggling from the front window watching him worry about being late for work. A laff-riot if you're 12 and developmentally disabled. Hardy-har-har.:mad:

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  • keyofnight
    Jul 21, 11:59 AM
    I swear guys: I'm pretty sure most of the people dropping calls are only dropping calls because of the proximity sensor issues.

    Next time you drop a call, check to see if it says "Call Failure" on the screen. If it doesn't, it's probably the sensor. (I'm talking to a wall, I'm sure�but if one person discovers the real problem, I'll be happy�

    If it does say call failure, take it to Apple and they'll give you a new one. Simple. (:

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  • Sometimes there are Hello

  • rdowns
    Apr 12, 06:21 PM
    What a joke this illusion of airport security is.

    Video shows young girl receiving full pat-down from TSA (

    The TSA's pat-down policy has been widely criticized, but a video that popped up on YouTube today illustrates the possibly absurd levels to which agents take the process.

    Here's a clip of what is said to be a six-year-old girl receiving a full pat-down from a TSA agent, who then apparently leads her to another area of the security checkpoint to perform a drug test. It's not clear whether the girl's parents elected not to put their child through a body scan, however the opening moments of the video do show a woman, believed to be the girl's mother, asking the TSA agent, "Can't you just re-scan her?"

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  • all about Hello Kitty (see

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 11, 05:36 PM
    well i'm about to leave my apartment tonight again for the next 2 months. this time i'll only be 2 hours away, so i can come back on the weekends if something messes up again. we'll see.

    oh, and i had to restart my VM before i left to take out the -oneunit flag, and guess what, i lost that unit! it was 96% complete!

    i'm so mad right now :mad:

    I've had that happen several time with bigadv units, grrrrrr

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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 2, 04:31 AM
    You are kidding right?Apart from the conclusion... what do you think is just "kidding"?

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 23, 06:07 PM
    I love how most of the people in this thread bashing LTD, calling him a fanboy for not giving MS credit where it is due are the same people in every other thread who do nothing but bash Apple and never give Apple credit where its due.

    You all know who you are...and its funny you call someone else a fanboy.

    You must not read many of LTD's posts.

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  • Hello Kitty Pictures Birthday.

  • ctdonath
    Sep 30, 12:42 PM
    I guess you are still in the lets all commute to work and congest the highways and burn all the electricity and gas we can boat.

    Some jobs are not conducive to working at/from home.
    And I'd imagine that includes being the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

    Apr 12, 07:24 AM
    Do you really think MS will ever do that?

    As stupid as they are, probably not. They're happy with having the most market share, why should they bother changing anything?

    But, when it's as easy to get a virus as downloading a banner ad from a website that you visit ( sometimes even legitimate ones) using IE with ActiveX enabled, then *maybe* a stronger security model is called for.

    These days, if you're running Windows and don't have at least a good antivirus, antispyware and (can't hurt) firewall, you're almost assured of getting infected somehow. I see it all the time at work - we have people coming in paying hundreds to have us remove viruses and to install a new antivirus program, because they didn't know the old one expired.

    If Microsoft was smart, they'd even *consider* doing this - I hate to say it, but look at Mac users - even though we're not immune to potential viruses in the future, how long has OS X been around, and how much malware is out there to infect it? Maybe 5-10 programs? UNIX just has that stronger security model...

    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    Common sense.

    Mar 17, 01:29 AM
    JohnnyQuest chill out man you sound worse then my Dad growing up as a kid. Just telling a story, and sorry for my grammar must be that UCF education I paid for. Go to the fridge and bust open a bottle of that hater-aid or better yet, go get laid. Since you obviously seem pretty stressed over the story. Who are you anyway? Judge Jury and Executioner? Please

    You seem like a joy to be around.

    What you did is inexcusably wrong, what do you expect? The "stoner," as you so eloquently put it, probably lost his job, and you're trying to make excuses for yourself.

    Grow up.

    Oh and by the way, ever heard of projection? I'm pretty sure my sex life has nothing to do with this dumb site. You seem a little unsettled though. Just saying.

    Aug 3, 07:35 PM
    Well, the Prius carries about a $5000 price premium compared with a comprable Toyota or Honda. But it sells for $24k without as big a tax credit (if any). So I'd have to say that the Prius Premium isn't close to that of the Volt. Plus, you can fit three car seats in a Prius. The Volt is a four-seater.

    His point was what was the price of the Prius when it first came to the market? It wasn't at $24K, it was most likely higher. The Volt carries a lot of new technology like the Prius did when it came out. Also like the Prius, it will have a high price tag initially. The battery pack is said to cost $10,000 alone( and GM is still taking a loss on the vehicle).

    Yes the Prius is now more affordable to the mainstream buyers, but when it came out it wasn't and it did carry tax credits( the Prius no longer qualifies).

    Apr 25, 12:17 PM
    It looks like a painting.

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