Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jonah Hill

Jonah Hill is thin. You have probably read 30 books in regular and now Judd Apatow co-star Brad Pitt in Moneyball, has done recently. But even more shocking in person twice, so if they met four years ago, when was the release of Superbad. The Falstaff Motormouth really excited and noisy found his fame, was replaced by someone who not only thinner, but more reserved. He wore a Daniel Johnston last time we met, and now sports the fancy clothes. The new hill is always talkative and positive, but quieter and more attentive to his words.

"I identified when I was 21 or 22 years," he says. "You guys hurt me the same things over and over again, if you have not already. So it is very important to diversify."

This sphere of money, an impressive film version of Michael Lewis' bestseller '2003 Billy Beane, general manager of Oakland, which is well known / alleged service of "sabermetrics" in the form of cold statistical analysis designed to (hopefully) produces a dynamic low-budget baseball team. Against Pitt's charismatic, if eccentric Beane, Hill, which is the shooting had not yet disposed of the weight, it should be noted, plays Peter, a math nerd accomplices Composite Beane, Theo Epstein and Paul as a mayor. Hill, better known as an extrovert, is the opposite: the shy flower inclined to give all his dialogue shocked whisper.

In a way it was not hard, describes acting alongside Pitt and Philip Seymour Hoffman (as coach) from a screenplay by Aaron Sorkin and Steven Zaillian, and Cyrus was half serious, was his Moneyball "intimdating". the drama of the first film.

The role is similar to the hill of life in other ways. "I had four Billy Beane type of experiences in life", where someone had "shed some light for me and [said], 'You have something greater than you, I'll give you a chance to shine.'" The first of these was Dustin Hoffman, whom he met when she studied acting at New School, and recommend a small role in I Heart Huckabees. The rest of the Judd Apatow (of course), Mark and Jay Duplass, who throws it to Cyrus, and head the ball Money, Bennett Miller (Capote).

Although the hill, even though the new version of him, is more reliable than the ball money for his character, you can hear the similarities. "[He] was the only person in the society that you come across a company, sometimes I felt that it was featured in the movie, the guy that actually merges with the wall. It 'a little' Aasperger's-y, my character, only that the boy who would do all the crunching, the work to be done. "

Of course, there was a lot of differences. "I can hardly be lowered to 10, in person, but I had a tutor to help me understand what statistics I mentioned. That Bennett wanted to improvise in the statistics, which was the most frustrating to come in preparation for the film. I wanted to kill him. It is not easy to be thrown out the numbers, and can be legit. "

Understandably, improvisation is not enough balls proved to be broader and more money, because it is not in his plays. "Social networking was coming, when we finished shooting. Steven Zaillian wrote Schindler's List. So it's not that I was like, 'Okay, take a chainsaw to this thing" and started riffing. "

But the drama and comedy are all so different. Hill points to the debate, Miller, who asked him if it was a pleasure to do theater. She said yes, but acknowledged there was no feeling better than standing on the back of the theater and hear people explode in laughter. "And he said:" Well, I bet you are going to a different type of sound, after you watch this movie in a theater. "I said," Why "And he said:". When you find yourself behind the theater and listen to the silence and know that their silence is bent forward in their chairs need to know what happens next "

And he was right. In the first at the Toronto International Film Festival, Hill said there was a deathly silence at the peak. "That's what [I] was the most curious to see if 2500 people had to be quiet during this part of the theater. And they were, and it was really cool. A different feeling for sure."

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