Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring is the Perfect Time For It...

Spring is the Perfect Time for Weight Loss and Plastic Surgery

Dr. Eric Mariotti, a plastic surgeon near Walnut Creek, suggests that those who want to slim and tone their bodies in time for summer make spring their season for healthy weight loss options and body-contouring procedures such as liposuction.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Mariotti ( recommends considering spring as the ideal time to sculpt your summer body through diet programs and plastic surgery. At his Walnut Creek practice, Dr. Mariotti offers a variety of body-slimming procedures such as liposuction or a tummy tuck.

"Many people who are attempting weight loss in Walnut Creek are eating right and exercising, but they are still bothered by minor imperfections," Dr. Mariotti says. "Addressing these concerns now with cosmetic surgery allows for adequate recovery time so that you can have your body in shape for summer."

Having enough time to heal after plastic surgery is an important consideration that is often overlooked by people who are eager to get outdoors and show off their new physique, according to Dr. Mariotti. He typically recommends at least 6 to 8 weeks for full recovery from body contouring procedures.

"Although many people who have plastic surgery can return to their normal routine in about 7 to 10 days, it takes about 2 months for the swelling and bruising to subside in order to see the full results," Dr. Mariotti says. "So for people hoping to get into their swimsuit by summer, spring is an ideal time for surgery."

While plastic surgery can be a good option for men and women who have already adopted healthier lifestyle habits and are at a stable weight, Dr. Mariotti emphasizes that surgery is not intended to be a substitute for a healthy diet.

"Body contouring procedures are intended to help refine specific areas of the body that do not respond to diet and exercise," Dr. Mariotti says. "Plastic surgery is not a 'quick-fix' weight loss tool and should be thoroughly discussed with a qualified plastic surgeon in Walnut Creek."

Some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for spring at Dr. Mariotti's practice include liposuction, abdominoplasty, and breast augmentation. For people who have lost a substantial amount of weight, Dr. Mariotti suggests considering procedures such as arm and thigh lifts.

"The increased pressure to look good in summer attire such as a bathing suit may account for the rise in body sculpting treatments during this time of year," adds Dr. Mariotti. "People want to look their best during the warmer months so they can get outdoors and feel confident in their appearance. For many people, plastic surgery is the perfect way to improve their body and self-image."

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