You already know that you want, that you're going to have cosmetic surgery.  You also realize that in order to do this you'll have to find innovative ways to save money.  But what if the person you're living with insists on spending money like there's a money tree in the back yard?  How can you save money on one end when it keeps going out the other?

First of all, consider what you're having done.  Cosmetic Surgery.  This is something you are doing for yourself, not necessarily to please others, but for yourself.  This means that you and you alone are responsible for saving your money for your procedure.  In many households, some families pool every cent they make into one big pile and then proceed to disperse the money on bills, entertainment and the like.  But now you're doing something for you.  So that means that things will have to change.  Take responsibility - If you are working or bringing money into the household somehow, you have to have a savings account.  You can call it your "New Boobs Account" or anything you want.  The point is, you have to start putting some money aside without it affecting the general running of the household.  Sometimes, that means taking on a second job, or doing some other things that will allow you to have additional money to save.  Many of us are so strapped for cash, you wonder at the end of the day "Is there any money left to save?"  There is if you want there to be.  Remember, not everyone who has cosmetic surgery has all the support from their spouses that they probably should.  If you find yourself in that situation, taking responsibility for your own money is the way to go.  Don't rely on your significant other to either give you money or help you if they have already proven that they are not "that type" of individual.  It doesn't make them a bad person, and it doesn't make you any better than them.  It just means that you'll have to work harder to make your dream happen.  And happen it will!  

Open your savings account!  In some places, all you need is $10 (especially if you already have a checking account with the same bank).  You have to start somewhere and $10 will soon grow into $50 and then into $100 and so on.  Before you know it, you'll look up and have that money you'll need to get that ball rollin' in your direction and right into the open arms of a qualified waiting cosmetic surgeon!
Keep telling yourself "I have to save, I have to save, I have to save"! Like a mantra "Boobs, Boobs, Boobs" and soon, you'll have new ones!